NEW - "B&B" - Borghese & Biking

Enjoy our intriguing tour of the Borghese Gallery and then hop on bikes for a private riding tour of the most famous park in Rome!

Here is a link to the tour description of our Borghese Gallery tour:


Borghese Gallery - Tour Description


After the private tour of the Borghese Gallery, your Customized Italy guide will lead you to your bicycles for a “soft” spin around the magnificent Villa Borghese Park. 

In 1605, Cardinal Scipione Borghese, nephew of Pope Paul V and patron of Bernini, began turning this former vineyard into the most extensive gardens built in Rome since antiquity.

Now Rome’s greatest green haven offers almost 150 acres of breathtaking gardens, fountains and even a small lake!  Biking through the park, guests will admire the highlights of the Eternal City's most outstanding oasis:
•    The Piazza of Siena – named after the Borghese Family’s home town
•    The Fountain of the Sea Horses
•    The Temple of Aesculapius
•    The “Water Clock” on the Pincian Hill
•    The French Academy in Rome (Villa Medici)

Along the journey you will stop for unforgettable sweeping vistas of the Italian Capital. 

This tour promises a pleasant refuge from the hectic Roman streets – with a mixture of history, beauty and light exercise!  Just enough for the next gelato!

* Customized Italy will coordinate the mandatory ticket reservations at the Borghese Gallery.

Number of guests:




4 Hour Tour




This is designed as a walking & biking tour. Our guests will be responsible for any extra transportation charges.

Reserved Borghese Gallery entrance fees and bike rental fees of $60 per person are not reflected in the rates outlined above. These fees are collected in advance - at the time the tour is booked & reserved.